Quench your thirst
with the fruit of
your desires
This is wine crafted with grapes pressed by the ‘perfect feet’ of Emilie Rae, the very feet that simps devote themselves to. This is their dedication, manifest in liquid luxury.
This wine represents a refinement of simpism, one without prejudice, instead emboldened with class. Made to elevate the perception of devotion to something more astute.
Emilie Rae has been described as having perfect feet. For her simps, this is gospel. She has built a loyal following of fans who appreciate her for her authenticity and innovation in the space, garnering hundreds of thousands of devotees. Although she is a star in the foot fetish community, her influence goes beyond her exquisite arches.
See an exclusive POV video of the foot of your choice as it crushes the skins of the grapes, unleashing the sweet nectar within.